
Dry storage temperatures, duration, and salt concentrations affect germination of local and edaphic ecotypes of Hordeum spontaneum (Poaceae) from Israel.

Gozlan, S.; Gutterman, Y.;

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Year: 1999 Vol: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 163-180 Ref: 42 ref.



Dry storage temperatures, duration, and salt concentrations affect germination of local and edaphic ecotypes of Hordeum spontaneum (Poaceae) from Israel.

Caryopses of 7 ecotypes of Hordeum spontaneum, collected from 4 locations in Israel, were grown for 3 (1995-97) generations at Sede Boker under artificial irrigation. Seeds from the third generation were stored in darkness for 30-70 days at temperatures of 5-20 or 35-40 deg C and relative humidities of 15-17 and 10-12%, and subsequently evaluated for germination. In another experiment, caryopses were stored for 20 months and tested for response to 0-500 mM NaCl. Variations in germination rate and salt tolerance were found for ecotypes from different areas, local populations and even patches of plants which had been grown on different types or depths of soil. It is concluded that after-ripening is important to prevent caryopses from postharvest sprouting.