
Maturity stage and postharvest life of red raspberry 'Autumn Bliss'.

Hernandez, J. F.; Veloz, C. S.; Alcazar, J. R.; Nevarez, G. M.; Bontemps, J. C.;

Agrociencia Year: 1999 Vol: 33 Issue: 3 Pages: 261-266 Ref: 29 ref.



Maturity stage and postharvest life of red raspberry 'Autumn Bliss'.

Cultivation of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in Mexico is expanding, mainly for its export potential. However, its fruits have a very short shelf life (1 or 2 days under normal ripening conditions) after harvesting. Raspberry fruits are also susceptible to softness, rots and flavour changes. Harvesting at the proper maturity stage and lowering the temperature are good alternatives for extending shelf life during storage and transport. Fruits of raspberry cv. Autumn Bliss were harvested at four maturity stages (pink, dark pink, red and dark red) and stored for 4 days at 2 or 20 deg C. Respiration rate, ethylene production, total soluble solids (TSS):titratable acidity (TA), colour, firmness and weight loss were evaluated every day during storage. Raspberry fruits showed a nonclimacteric respiration pattern. Cold storage reduced changes in firmness, colour and weight. Red and dark red fruits showed the highest values of TSS:TA.