
Decreased ascorbic acid levels and brown core development in pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Conference).

Veltman, R. H.; Sanders, M. G.; Persijn, S. T.; Peppelenbos, H. W.; Oosterhaven, J.;

Physiologia Plantarum Year: 1999 Vol: 107 Issue: 1 Pages: 39-45 Ref: 27 ref.



Decreased ascorbic acid levels and brown core development in pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Conference).

Changes in ascorbic acid content were measured in the cortex tissue of fruits of pears cv. Conference stored at 5 deg C in 0.25 or 2% oxygen and 0 or 10% carbon dioxide. Enhanced carbon dioxide levels caused ascorbic acid concentrations to decline; below about 1.3 mg ascorbic acid/100 mg fresh weight, browning of the core tissue was observed. Reducing carbon dioxide levels before this value was reached caused ascorbic acid levels to increase again and prevented browning to a great extent. Reduced oxygen also reduced ascorbic acid content in the cortex, but not to a level causing browning. In preliminary experiments with a photoacoustic laser-based detection system, it was shown that pears that show browning produce ethane, probably as a result of membrane peroxidation.