
Ethylene in horticultural production.

Goszczynska, D. M.; Wawrzynczak, A.;

Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis, Agricultura Year: 1998 Issue: No. 70 Pages: 9-12 Ref: 38 ref.



Ethylene in horticultural production.

Many phases of plant growth and development are affected by ethylene. Ethylene biosynthesis occurs via the enzymes ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, which catalyse the conversion of S-adenosylmethionine to ACC and ACC to ethylene, respectively. Ethylene plays a deleterious role in postharvest life of many horticultural crops, speeding senescence and reducing shelf life. Several techniques available for protecting against the effects of ethylene are reported. Treatment with inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis and action reduce ethylene production and sensitivity to the ethylene. Sometimes ethylene has a beneficial effects, improving the quality of the product by promoting faster and more uniform ripening.