
Dried and preserved ornamental plant material: not new, but often overlooked and underrated.

Joyce, D. C.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1998 Issue: No. 454 Pages: 133-145 Ref: 21 ref.



Dried and preserved ornamental plant material: not new, but often overlooked and underrated.

Floriculturists often pay scant attention to dried and preserved products (D&P), whose economic importance is generally unrecognized and which are underrated in that their aesthetic contribution is largely discounted. In contrast to other areas of postharvest floriculture, relatively little publicly funded research and development (R&D) has been undertaken on drying preserving ornamental materials with a view to optimizing treatments and product quality. Privately funded R&D work has been sustained, but findings are usually kept as closely guarded secrets in order to protect investments. It is possibly a consequence, at least in part, of the limited amount of public information on drying and preserving ornamentals that the D&P industry is ill-defined in terms of products, processes and organization. For example, product descriptions and uniformity and quality standards, which underpin trade in most horticultural commodities, have not been generally established for D&P products. An overview is pr

esented of the D&P ornamentals industry, including the common methods used in drying and preserving, with an emphasis on novel Australian plant products and the Australian industry.