
The biology of Colletotrichum musae (Berk. et Curt.) arx and its relation to control of banana anthracnose.

Lapeyre de Bellaire, L. de; Mourichon, X.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1998 Issue: No. 490 Pages: 297-303 Ref: 12 ref.



The biology of Colletotrichum musae (Berk. et Curt.) arx and its relation to control of banana anthracnose.

Anthracnose, caused by C. musae, is the main postharvest disease affecting the quality of exported bananas from the French Caribbean islands. The postharvest chemical control of this disease has been hampered by the emergence of fungicide resistance to thiabendazole and by the poor efficacy of these treatments in some areas, due to the greater susceptibility of the fruits to this disease in these areas. Epidemiological studies have been carried out in a banana plantation at the CIRAD-FLHOR experimental station of Neufchateau, Guadeloupe to develop new control strategies. A waterborne spore trap has been set under banana bunches from flowering to harvest, to collect all Colletotrichum conidia dispersed in weekly rainwater runoff from the whole banana bunch. Most conidia were trapped from 7-35 days after flowering, with a strong decline thereafter until harvest. The quantity of conidia collected varied according to climatic conditions during this critical period. When the flower parts and the last

 bunch bract were removed, considerable reduction of conidia collected in the spore traps was achieved. Isolation of Colletotrichum species present on the flower parts of 100 bunches was carried out on a selective medium from flowering to harvest. The pattern of Colletotrichum isolation was the same as conidia trapping. C. musae was associated with other Colletotrichum species distinguishable by their morphological characteristics. These species were not pathogenic. Covering the bunches with a plastic sleeve had no effect on the quantity of Colletotrichum colonies isolated from flower parts, from flowering to harvest. Nevertheless, the quantity of anthracnose lesions developing on ripe fruits was considerably less important on sleeved than on unsleeved bunches. Consequences in terms of improvement of anthracnose control are discussed.