
Cultivation of pawpaws. Prospects, technologies and viability.

Marteletto, L. A. P.; Maldonado, J. F. M.; Vieira, A.; Fernandes, S. G.; Carvalho, S. M. P. de; Cruz e Silva, J. A. da; Costa, R. A. da; Oliveira, L. A. A. de; Sarmento, W. da R. M.;

Documentos - Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Year: 1997 Issue: No. 37 Pages: 28 pp.



Cultivation of pawpaws. Prospects, technologies and viability.

The current situation regarding pawpaw cultivation in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is described. The area planted to pawpaws amounted to 54.9 ha in 1995 and yields averaged 16 209.5 kg/ha. The most common cultivars planted are Sunrise Solo and Formosa. Recommended cultivation techniques for growing pawpaws in Rio de Janeiro are described, with information on cultivars, planting site selection, soil preparation, seedling production, spacing, planting hole preparation, planting, irrigation, fertilizer application, weed control, removal of lateral shoots, sex determination, fruit thinning, pest and disease control, harvesting, postharvest treatment, grading, packing and marketing. The cultivars Sunrise Solo Line 72/12 and Baixinho de Santa Amalia (a mutant of Sunrise Solo) are recommended. Costs and returns of pawpaw cultivation are tabulated. It is concluded that good quality fruits can be produced in Rio de Janeiro and that the internal market can be substantially increased.