
Occurrence of anthracnose inhibited by dopamine and induced by sugars in banana fruit after harvest.

Jiang YueMing;

Acta Phytopathologica Sinica Year: 1997 Vol: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 157-160 Ref: 11 ref.



Occurrence of anthracnose inhibited by dopamine and induced by sugars in banana fruit after harvest.

The level of soluble sugars in banana (cv. 63-1) peel increased gradually during ripening, but decreased when fruits showed obvious symptoms of disease. The dopamine content was higher at harvesting (1.48 mg/g fresh weight), but decreased markedly when fruit was infected by anthracnose (Colletotrichum musae). Treatment with a 500 mg/litre concentration of dopamine inhibited development of anthracnose while exogenous dopamine suppressed the growth of Colletotrichum musae. Compared with variety 63-1, higher dopamine and the lower soluble sugars contents were observed in variety Heiyoushen, which was associated with stronger resistance to the disease. A possible relationship between the occurrence of anthracnose and dopamine and soluble sugars content in postharvest bananas is discussed.