
In-store drying and grain psychrometrics.

Driscoll, R.;

Grain drying in Asia: Proceedings of an International Conference held at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-20 October, 1995. Year: 1996 Pages: 132-139 Ref: 54 ref.



In-store drying and grain psychrometrics.

Product drying, though conceptually simple, is the least understood postharvest operation. Successful drying produces a safe product, but drying problems can cause massive quality and actual losses. The interaction of a product with air can be represented on a psychrometric chart, a basic tool of the drying engineer, and this allows estimates of drying performance to be made. Interaction of the product with the air also will affect its chemical structure, microbial flora and storage stability. A current trend in drier models research is towards quality models which can be incorporated in deterministic models of grain drying, and are conveniently expressed in terms of the temperature and moisture histories of the product. Such models allow predictions of safe and optimal drying from simulated or historical weather data, as well as development of appropriate control algorithms. The trend in Southeast Asia is towards mechanisation and increased collection of grain in bulk, allowing technologies on

a more efficient scale to be introduced.