
Completed-project economic assessment of two ACIAR projects on fungi and aflatoxins: a discussion of methodology issues and some estimates of potential benefits.

Lubulwa, G.; Davis, J.;

ACIAR Technical Reports Series Year: 1996 Issue: No. 37 Pages: 66-111 Ref: 61 ref.



Completed-project economic assessment of two ACIAR projects on fungi and aflatoxins: a discussion of methodology issues and some estimates of potential benefits.

A detailed economic assessment of the costs and potential benefits from 2 research projects which gathered information about fungal infection and mycotoxin contamination in staple food and feedstuffs in Southeast Asia is presented. The assessment focuses on aflatoxin contamination of groundnuts and maize and its impact on human health and animal production. It is suggested that substantial benefits will accrue from technological advances in pre- and postharvest practices likely to be stimulated by the research.