
Stem-end splitting in apples.

Opara, L. U.;

Tree Fruit Postharvest Journal Year: 1996 Vol: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 12-16 Ref: 4 ref.



Stem-end splitting in apples.

Stem-end splitting (SES) is a type of fruit splitting which occurs in Fuji and Gala apples and in strains of Gala such as Royal Gala, Imperial Gala and Regal Gala. Physical attributes of fruits affected by SES and relationships between the onset of splitting and fruit growth period are discussed. Examination of gross internal structures of fruits showed the presence of internal ring-crack (IRC) in cultivars susceptible to SES. The onset of IRC and SES occurred during the final period of rapid fruit growth, which also coincided with the development of final fruit shape. The incidence of SES and IRC increased with irrigation frequency and advancing fruit maturity. Hydration studies using detached Gala fruits showed that the rate of water uptake was maximum within 24 h and declined with longer soaking time. However, enhanced water uptake induced skin cracks but neither SES nor IRC was formed. These results suggested that SES is a "growth crack" comprised of 2 different fracture mechanisms. These de

velopmental and physical attributes distinguish SES from other types of skin fracture in apples such as skin cracking and checking which are usually confined to cuticular tissue and severe splitting of overmature fruits.