
Physiological and biochemical changes in postharvest garlic bulbs and the technique of storage.

Liu ShuXian; Li YueBiao; Chen Fang; Zhang DongLin; Jiang YueMing;

Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany Year: 1996 Vol: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 45-49 Ref: 10 ref.



Physiological and biochemical changes in postharvest garlic bulbs and the technique of storage.

Garlic bulbs were stored in a controlled atmosphere (CA; 2-5% O2, 8-10% CO2) at 1-5 deg C, or in air at ambient temperature or at 35 deg . Respiration rate, protein content and vitamin C content gradually increased with time during storage under ambient conditions, whereas sugar content and DW decreased markedly after 2 months, as the bulbs began to sprout. CA storage at 1-5 deg inhibited sprouting, with no sprouting even after 8 months of storage, and 95% of the bulbs remained in good condition. Storage at 35 deg , in polyethylene bags, gave similar results (no sprouting and only 4.5% decay after 8 months).