
Modelling the postharvest life of cut roses.

Reid, M. S.; Mokhtari, M.; Lieth, J. H.; Doorn, W. G. van; Evans, R. Y.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1996 Issue: No. 424 Pages: 137-144 Ref: 15 ref.



Modelling the postharvest life of cut roses.

Understanding the variable postharvest performance of different rose cultivars is important not only for ensuring maximum life of those that presently are of commercial importance, but also for developing new selections with improved postharvest quality. In examining the factors responsible for the very different postharvest lives of a range of important commercial cut rose cultivars, an equilibrium model was used that describes the water relations of cut roses. Partial equations to describe the effects of some of the major factors to be included in a complete model are described. The value of such a model is discussed in light of the overwhelming effects of poor xylem conductivity in cut roses.