
Biological control of postharvest rots using Aureobasidium pullulans and Candida oleophila.

Lima, G.; Ippolito, A.; Nigro, F.; Romanazzi, G.; Schena, L.; Gatto, M. A.; Salerno, M.;

Informatore Agrario Year: 1996 Vol: 52 Issue: 45 Pages: 79-84



Biological control of postharvest rots using Aureobasidium pullulans and Candida oleophila.

A summary is given of the results of studies carried out in Italy during 1994-95 to evaluate the antagonistic activity of yeasts and yeast-like fungi against Botrytis cinerea and other postharvest rots of table grapes, strawberry and kiwifruits. The yeast-like fungus A. pullulans isolate L47 and the yeast C. oleophila isolate L66 demonstrated notable efficacy against different postharvest pathogens. The activity of A. pullulans L47 was further improved when the antagonist was integrated with xanthan gum and calcium chloride on table grapes and with thermal treatment on kiwifruits. Other characteristics making A. pullulans L47 useful as an antagonist in the postharvest environment are its capacity to survive even at the low temp. of cold storage, its wide spectrum of activity, its low susceptibility to some fungicides and the absence of any significant phytopathogenicity on the fruits tested.