
Screening experiment of chemicals for control of satsuma mandarin fruit rot and juice loss during storage.

Wang, R. K.; Hu, X. Q.; Shao, P. F.; Zhu, R. G.; Qi, S. X.;

China Citrus Year: 1995 Vol: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 29-30



Screening experiment of chemicals for control of satsuma mandarin fruit rot and juice loss during storage.


During 1992-1994, different chemicals at various concentrations were applied by spraying during the vegetative period, and used to soak the fruits before storage. Spray applications of gibberellin or gibberellin + 2% KCl, before harvest when the fruits started to colour, and soaking fruits in gibberellin and/or 0.05% oxalic acid after harvest reduced fruit rot and juice loss during storage.