
Evaluation and improvement of persimmon.

Wen IenChie;

Journal of Agricultural Research of China Year: 1995 Vol: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-58 Ref: 17 ref.



Evaluation and improvement of persimmon.


All commercial persimmon cultivars in Taiwan belong to the pollination-constant astringent type (PCA) and need postharvest treatment to remove astringency before eating. Twenty-three cultivars of 4 types (pollination-constant non-astringent (PCNA), pollination-variant non-astringent (PVNA), PCA and pollination-variant astringent (PVA)) from Japan were evaluated for commercial production at different altitudes in Taiwan. Cultivars Fuyu, Matsumoto wase Fuyu, Jirou, Isu, Suruga, Tonewase and Gionbou had larger fruits of better quality and colour than the native commercial cultivars. Fuyu was best located at 800-1200 m, whereas Jirou performed well over a wider altitude range (500-1200 m). Fruits of both of these non-astringent cultivars grown at 1400 m did not become non-astringent naturally. Akagaki with Zenjimaru or Shougatsu were the best pollenizers for Fuyu and Matsumoto. Four PCNA and 3 PCA cultivars were selected from a breeding programme for advanced testing.