
Role of ethylene in senescence of watercress leaves.

Philosoph-Hadas, S., Meir, S. and Aharoni, N.

Physiologia Plantarum Year: 1994 Vol: 90 Issue: 3 Pages: 553-559 Ref: 26 ref.



Role of ethylene in senescence of watercress leaves.



Detached watercress leaves showed a rapid senescence rate compared with other herbs. The progress of senescence in watercress bunches (leaves attached to cut stems) and in detached leaves was estimated by measuring the rate of chlorophyll (Chl) loss, proteolysis and lipid oxidation. Evidence is presented showing that application of 11% CO2 to watercress bunches in a flow-through system had a long-lasting effect on senescence, exhibited by highly efficient retardation of all the senescence processes tested. On the other hand, application of AVG (0.1 mM) or Ag+ (30 micro M) to detached leaves affected Chl loss much more than proteolysis. These results suggest that the senescence-retarding activity of CO2 cannot be attributed solely to its action as an anti-ethylene agent and that not all senescence-associated processes are regulated by ethylene.