
The influence of three different Gotland soils on the storage life of carrots.

Ramert, B.;

Vaxtskyddsnotiser Year: 1994 Vol: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9 Ref: 18 ref.



The influence of three different Gotland soils on the storage life of carrots.



Carrots were sown in May 1986 and 1987 in 3 types of soil in Gotland and harvested and stored in Oct.; climatic conditions were similar but soil pH and Ca content varied. The incidence of storage diseases was highest on acid peat soils with Rhizoctonia carotae, the casual agent of crater rot, being the dominant pathogen. Carrots from the alkaline, lime-rich soil had the lowest incidence of storage diseases and, although not isolated from R. carotae, their only visible disease symptoms resembled cavity spot. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Ca content of sampled carrots was the same regardless of soil type, as were sugar levels and the relative proportions of hexoses and sucrose.