
Maturity calendar and harvest organization for Valencia orange in Jaguey Grande, Cuba.

Aranguren, M., B. López, J. Rodríguez, C. Suárez and J. de Zayas

International Citrus Congress (7th : 1992 : Acireale, Italy), Acireale, Italy, International Society of Citriculture. 3: 1023-1025.



Maturity calendar and harvest organization for Valencia orange in Jaguey Grande, Cuba.



According to the maturity calendar for Valencia oranges, the soluble solids/acid ratio of 8 (minimum) and 12 (optimum), established for fresh fruit harvesting, were reached between Nov. and Feb. For processing fruit the ratios of 14 (optimum) and 18 (maximum) were reached between Mar. and Apr. Fruit weight increased but juice content decreased when the ratio was >18.