
An overview of lychee postharvest technology.

Underhill, S. J. R.;

Development of postharvest handling technology for tropical tree fruits: a workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, 16-18 July 1992. Year: 1994 Pages: 36-40 Ref: 27 ref.



An overview of lychee postharvest technology.


Developments in lychee postharvest technology, with emphasis on skin colour retention, are discussed. Lychee fruits are prone to a uniform browning of the pericarp surface. Injury is commonly associated with rapid pericarp desiccation. When moisture loss is reduced, skin colour can be retained for up to 5 weeks. A combination of low temperature (2-5 deg C), high humidity and plastic packaging is currently used commercially to control browning. An alternative treatment to inhibit enzymatic activity is the use of sulfur dioxide (SO2) fumigation. Acidification of the fruits has proved beneficial in solving the problem of anthocyanin bleaching associated with SO2 treatment.