
Biological control of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium sp. on post-harvest apples by two antagonistic yeasts.

Jijakli, M. H.; Lepoivre, P.; Tossut, P.; Thonard, P.;

Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Universiteit Gent Year: 1993 Vol: 58 Issue: 3b Pages: 1349-1358 Ref: 13 ref.



Biological control of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium sp. on post-harvest apples by two antagonistic yeasts.

Of 329 epiphytic microorganisms isolated from the surface of apple fruits, 1 str. of each of 2 yeasts, Pichia anomala and Candida sake, was selected for its ability to protect wounded apple cv. Golden Delicious fruits from rotting caused by B. cinerea and Penicillium sp. The antagonists were active at 5 and 25 deg C. Similar results were obtained when the yeasts were produced in a fermentor to when they were cultured on potato dextrose agar. The 2 main factors governing level of protection were the ratio between inoculum concn of the antagonists and pathogens, and the time elapsing between yeast application and pathogen inoculation, suggesting that colonization by the yeast is a prerequisite for control of rotting. However, in situ spore germination by B. cinerea was reduced in yeast-treated wounded sites even when pathogen and yeast were applied simultaneously, suggesting that effectiveness of biological control cannot be ascribed only to inhibition of germination. This paper was presented at t

he 45th International Symposium on Crop Protection held in Ghent, Belgium on 4 May 1993.