
Interactive effects of the application of different Cd forms and an acidifying agent on plant available metals and postharvest soil extractability.

Nogales, R.; Hervas, D.; Soto, J.; Gallardo-Lara, F.;

Environmental contamination. Year: 1993 Pages: 173-186 Ref: 43 ref.



Interactive effects of the application of different Cd forms and an acidifying agent on plant available metals and postharvest soil extractability.

Wheat cv. Mesa was grown in pots in a greenhouse in a calcareous Fluvisol (pH 7.04) alone or in soil previously treated with cadmium chloride (16 mg/kg soil), sewage sludge at a rate equivalent to 200 t/ha, sewage sludge treated with an acidifying agent (alpechin, the waste water from olive oil processing) to increase soil water content to 25% of water holding capacity, sewage sludge + cadmium chloride, or alpechin + cadmium chloride. Basal NPK fertilizers and additional N fertilizer given 25 and 50 d after sowing were also applied. Contamination of soil with cadmium reduced straw and grain yields by 8%, and the edible parts of wheat accumulated enough cadmium to be a health hazard. After harvesting, 50% of the Cd added remained in the soil in available forms. Mixing the Cd with sewage sludge increased Cd uptake by wheat compared with adding inorganic Cd alone to the soil. Addition of Cd to the soil increased Zn uptake by wheat, but decreased Mn uptake; the uptakes of Cu, Ni and Pb were little a ffected by Cd. Alpechin increased plant and soil Mn content, and to a lesser extent increased the Cd, Zn and Cu contents.