
Apple bruise prediction models using dimensional analysis.

Srivastava, A. K.; Mandhar, S. C.; Singh, M. D.;

Agricultural Engineering Journal Year: 1992 Vol: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 35-52 Ref: 9 ref.



Apple bruise prediction models using dimensional analysis.

Three apple varieties (Idared, Golden Delicious and McIntosh) were tested under static compression, drop and shock loadings. Physical and mechanical properties of each apple were measured along with the bruise diam. and depth after testing. Loading parameters were also recorded. Using the principles of dimensional analysis, dimensionless pi -terms composed of the physical quantities were constructed. Prediction models as functions of the pertinent dimensionless terms were developed for the dimensionless bruise diam. These models can be used to predict apple bruising during harvesting, storage and transport. This knowledge may be used to evaluate postharvest handling and storage of apples and other fruit crops susceptible to bruising (e.g. mango, guava and melons).