
Cell wall changes during on-vine softening of kiwifruit.

Redgwell, R. J.; Percy, A. E.;

New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science Year: 1992 Vol: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 453-456 Ref: 9 ref.



Cell wall changes during on-vine softening of kiwifruit.

Cell wall changes were monitored in kiwifruit cv. Hayward fruits allowed to soften on the vine. The results were compared with those previously published for harvested fruits which had softened after an ethylene treatment. In the latter, pectin solubilization, galactose loss and cell wall swelling were major cell wall events which accompanied softening. The same processes occurred in the cell walls of fruits softened on the vine, although the relative timing of each process differed from those occuring in the ethylene-treated fruits. Pectin solubilization, galactose loss and cell wall swelling are therefore not specific responses to a postharvest ethylene treatment but appear to be general features of cell wall change in softening kiwifruits.