
Changes in cell wall hydrolase polygalacturonase during ripening in mango fruit.

Chaimanee, P.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1992 Issue: No. 321 Pages: 804-810 Ref: 8 ref.



Changes in cell wall hydrolase polygalacturonase during ripening in mango fruit.

Fruits of cv. Nam Dok Mai were harvested at the green mature stage and allowed to ripen at ambient temperature (27-28 deg C) for 8 days. Polygalacturonase (PG) was extracted and purified in its 2 forms from the mesocarp tissue during ripening. The increase in exo- and endo-PG activities correlated well with increasing ripeness. Analysis of the enzymes indicated that at least 3 proteins of molecular weight 67 000, 34 000 and 32 000 were associated with PG activity.