
Effects of Ethrel on ripening and storage of nuts of Castanea mollissima.

Yang, Q. G.; Cheng, D. M.;

Plant Physiology Communications Year: 1992 Vol: 28 Issue: 5 Pages: 334-336 Ref: 5 ref.



Effects of Ethrel on ripening and storage of nuts of Castanea mollissima.

Hand-picked fruits of Chinese chestnut (cv. Dahongpao) were placed in heaps and either (1) covered with plastic film (the traditional method of loosening the shells) or (2) soaked in Ethrel [ethephon] solution and then treated as in (1). After 6 days, the shells were removed and the nuts were stored in sand at room temperature for 3 months. The nuts were subsequently soaked in 500 p.p.m. 2,4-D solution for 24 h, then stored at 25-35 or 4-6 deg C to study the possibility of prolonging dormancy. Results showed that 2000 p.p.m. Ethrel promoted shell splitting; the nut colour was bright, and the incidence of disease and sprouting percentage of nuts treated with Ethrel were lower than with the traditional treatment. The incidence of sprouting was significantly lower in nuts stored at 4-6 deg than in those stored at 25-30 deg .