
Correlating pre-storage ripeness of mangoes with the proportion of good quality fruit present after four weeks of cold-storage.

Oosthuyse, S. A.;

Yearbook - South African Mango Growers' Association Year: 1992 Vol: 12 Pages: 80-83 Ref: 2 ref.



Correlating pre-storage ripeness of mangoes with the proportion of good quality fruit present after four weeks of cold-storage.

Exported mangoes shipped from the Westfalia Estate packhouse to Rungis market in Paris, France (arriving in Jan. and Feb. 1991) were generally hard on arrival, showed no skin coloration as a result of ripening, and were low in TSS content. Evaluation of samples of fruits taken from each consignment suggested that it would be advantageous to commence cold transit storage when fruits are at a more advanced stage of ripeness than that currently adopted for sea export. In an experiment, export quality cv. Kent fruits were stored at 20 deg C after postharvest treatment and packing into cartons. Carton batches were then placed consecutively in cold storage, the first batch entering cold storage when hard and green, and the last when at the eating-ripe stage. Successive batches showed a marked reduction in the percentage of good quality fruits per carton after cold storage for 4 weeks and subsequent ripening at 20 deg . This was due to an increase in the proportion of fruits showing signs of decay. It was concluded that to improve the condition of mangoes exported by sea to Europe, fruits should be exposed to ripening conditions on arrival, as opposed to being allowed to ripen before exportation.