
Determining tomato fruit maturity with nondestructive in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Saltveit, M. E., Jr.;

Postharvest Biology and Technology Year: 1991 Vol: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 153-159 Ref: 16 ref.



Determining tomato fruit maturity with nondestructive in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) images were taken of freshly harvested tomato fruits (cv. Castlemart). Measurements were also made of the stage of ripeness, rate of carbon dioxide and ethylene production, lycopene and chlorophyll content, density of the pericarp wall, and consistency of the locular tissue. An NMR image at 256 x 256 pixel per image and 16 levels of intensity per pixel clearly showed many structural details of the fruits. Increased intensity was associated with liquefaction of the placental tissue during ripening, while graininess of the pericarp wall was associated with a decrease in wall density. In vivo NMR imaging of mature-green fruits produced images in which differences in maturity could be seen. However, the long time required to produce an image and the cost of operation currently precludes the use of NMR imaging to sort mature-green tomato fruits.