
Physical and biochemical criteria for apricot varieties characterisation.

Souty, M.; Audergon, J. M.; Duprat, F.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1991 Issue: No. 293 Pages: 95-109



Physical and biochemical criteria for apricot varieties characterisation.

The fruit quality of 4 varieties (Beliana, Precoce de Tyrinthe, Rouge du Roussillon and Bergeron) was examined when the fruits were picked fully ripe, half ripe, half ripe with development at 20 deg C for 48 h, and half ripe with preservation (9 days at 2 deg C) followed by development at 20 deg C for 48 h. Fruit weight, colour, firmness, respiration, ethylene production, dry matter, soluble solids, acidity and sugars were determined. A principal component analysis was carried out on the entire data set. The correlation matrix showed correlations between some parameters, e.g. dry matter and sugars. There was a relative independence between physical parameters and biochemical ones. There was, however, no total independence between sugars and acids: if one increased the other decreased. It was concluded that, as fruit harvested at the commercial stage never reached the quality of mature harvested fruit, selection should be directed towards fruit with acceptable postharvest behaviour.