
Practical guide to fruit growing in highland intertropical regions: deciduous species.

Battaglia, M.; Conticini, L.; Crescioli, P.;

Guida pratica di frutticoltura per le regioni intertropicali di altitudine: specie a foglia caduca. Year: 1991 Pages: 180 pp. Ref: 7 pp. of ref.



Practical guide to fruit growing in highland intertropical regions: deciduous species.

This book consists of 12 chapters dealing with the ecology of deciduous fruit species in intertropical highland regions, agroeconomic aspects of growing temperate fruits in these regions, species and cultivars grown in the Andean region, propagation, establishment of orchards, training and pruning, manuring and fertilizing, irrigation, pollination, dormancy control, pests and diseases of apples, pears, peaches and plums, harvesting, packing, marketing and storage.