
Foliar application of calcium chloride delays postharvest ripening of strawberry.

Cheour, F.; Willemot, C.; Arul, J.; Desjardins, Y.; Makhlouf, J.; Charest, P. M.; Gosselin, A.;

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science Year: 1990 Vol: 115 Issue: 5 Pages: 789-792 Ref: 27 ref.



Foliar application of calcium chloride delays postharvest ripening of strawberry.

In an experiment in 1987, strawberry cv. Kent plants growing on a St. Nicolas series sandy loam received 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 kg CaCl2/ha at 9 or 3 d before harvesting the fruits. In a 2nd experiment, strawberry cv. Tribute plants, growing on a Tilly series sandy loam, received 0, 10 or 20 kg CaCl2/ha once, twice or three times, i.e. at 3 d, at 6 and 3 d, or at 9, 6 and 3 d before harvest. CaCl2 application increased leaf and fruit Ca concentration, especially in the 1st experiment. Tissue Ca concentration was unaffected by the degree of fruit maturity at application or the frequency of application. Several maturity criteria were measured during fruit storage in air at 4 deg C. Anthocyanin and free-sugar contents and tissue electrical conductivity increased, while titratable acidity and firmness decreased with time. Ca application delayed ripening and grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) development and this delay increased with increasing Ca rate.