
Processing and distribution of agricultural products in the USSR: the disintegration.

Giroux, A.;

Courrier des Pays de l'Est Year: 1990 Issue: No. 355 Pages: 3-36



Processing and distribution of agricultural products in the USSR: the disintegration.

Despite a relatively good harvest in 1990, the USSR experienced worse food shortages than in previous years, particularly in big cities. The study analyses the reasons for this situation at all stages of the agro-food chain. In spite of good cereal crops, food production is insufficient. Soviet agriculture remains dominated by kolkhozy and sovhkozy which provide 70% of total production. They constitute an obstacle to the development of more productive individual farms. Some republics refuse to supply their produce to the Soviet government, which supplies large urban centres. For cereals, only 76% of the targets for supplies to the government were fulfilled in 1990. At harvesting, losses amounted to: 15%-20% for cereals, 50% for potatoes and 50%-60% for fruit and vegetables. Shortages of labour, transport, spare parts and fuel are to blame. Transport, particularly the railway system, is inefficient and storage facilities are inadequate, particularly at the place of production; losses of potatoes reach 2 Mt per year. The food industry has developed more slowly than agricultural output. It uses antiquated equipment (only 20% of companies use modern machinery) and suffers great losses, caused by a lack of packaging. Commercial and marketing channels are plagued by a system of badly supplied state shops and expensive kolkhoz markets. The shortages, caused by a devastated agro-food products chain generate crime (speculation, bribery and theft). Humanitarian aid and cooperation with the West could bring some results in an improved economic and political climate. The year 1991 is seen to be decisive. In the short-term, only food aid, cheap credit and foreign investment can help Soviet agriculture and food industry.