
Current control methods for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, and their application in the USA.

Mitchell, W. C.; Saul, S. H.;

Review of Agricultural Entomology Year: 1990 Vol: 78 Issue: 9 Pages: 923-930 Ref: 4 pp. of ref.



Current control methods for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, and their application in the USA.

In this review, the authors begin by outlining the potential for damage by Ceratitis capitata to a wide range of tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables, and the extensive quarantine and commodity treatment measures that are often required. Control measures are then discussed, with particular reference to the USA including Hawaii. Biological control includes intra- or interspecific competition, parasitoids, predators, pathogens or entomophilic nematodes. Chemical control is briefly discussed, with reference to pesticide application and soil treatment. Cultural control measures include preharvest methods (sanitation, fruit picking or stripping, wild host destruction and physical methods) and postharvest methods (use of lethal temperatures, gamma irradiation, plastic shrinkwrap film and insect growth regulators). Legislative control including quarantine and emergency action plans is outlined. The use of feeding attractants and male attractants in control strategies is discussed. Other control methods include pest resistance, and genetic techniques involving the insect (sterile insect release, genetic sexing and molecular genetics). Integrated control is discussed with reference to historical successes and current techniques. The future of control of the pest is assessed.