
Pulsing with Triton X-100 improves hydration and vase life of cut sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.).

Jones, R.B., Serek, M. and Reid, M.S.

HortScience. Volume 28, Number 12, Dec 1993. Pages 1178-1179.



Pulsing and Triton X-100 improves hydration and vase life of cut sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.).

The vase life of cut sunflowers given a simulated transport period (3 days dry storage at 8 C) was significantly enhanced by a 1-hour pulse with 0.01% Triton X-100 administered before storage. The Triton pulse increased solution uptake during the 1-hour pulse, decreased fresh weight loss during dry storage, and significantly improved water uptake thereafter, resulting in greater leaf turgidity and longer vase life. Leaf stomatal conductance measurements indicated that Triton X-100 maintained stomatal opening at a higher level during the pulse and after storage, but had no effect during dry storage.