
Pre- and postharvest changes in sweetpotato root surface chemicals modulating insect resistance

Son, K.C., Severson, R. F. and Kays, S. J.

HortScience Vol: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: 1514-1516.



Pre- and postharvest changes in sweetpotato root surface chemicals modulating insect resistance.

Levels of major root surface components for two sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] cultivars that differ in susceptibility to the sweetpotato weevil [Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers)] were determined. Analyses were made 30 days before harvest, at harvest, after curing, and after 2 months of storage during two seasons. Significant variation in the amounts of individual components, especially boehmeryl acetate, which is known to be an ovipositional stimulant for the weevil, was found before and after harvest, with season, and between cultivars. These results suggest that variation in field susceptibility of cultivars displaying moderate levels of resistance may be due in part to seasonal variation in the level of ovipositional stimulants.