
Lowbush blueberry quality changes in response to mechanical damage and storage temperature.

Sanford, K.A., Lidster P. D., Mc Rae K. B., Jackson E. D., Stark L. R. and Prange R. K.

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Volume 116, Number 1, Jan 1991. Pages 47-51.



Lowbush blueberry quality changes in response to mechanical damage and storage temperature.

Postharvest response of wild lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. and V. myrtilloides Michx.) to mechanical damage and storage temperature was studied during 2 years. Fruit weight loss and the incidence of shrivelled or split berries were major components that contributed to the loss of marketable yield resulting from mechanical damage and storage temperature. Decay of berries resulted in only 1% to 2% of the total marketable fruit loss. In general, the major quality attributes (firmness, microbial growth, hue, bloom, split, and unblemished berries) deteriorated with increasing damage levels and increasing storage temperature without significant interaction. Temperature had consistent effects in both years on moisture content, soluble solids concentration, titratable acids, weight loss, shrivelled and decayed berries, Hunter L values, and anthocyanin leakage, while damage level had inconsistent or no significant effect.