
Study of the shelf-life of cured cv Tarocco oranges by sensory and physicochemical parameters

Lanza, C.M., Pagliarini, E. and Lanza, G.

Journal of the science of food and agriculture. Vol: 80 Issue: 2 Pages: 241-246.



Study of the shelf-life of cured cv Tarocco oranges by sensory and physicochemical parameters.

Physical treatments at temperatures > 30 degrees C and RH > 90% (curing) are useful to limit fungal attacks on citrus fruits post-harvest. In order to evaluate the effect of such treatment on the shelf-life of fruits, cv Tarocco oranges were subjected to curing under various time-temperature combinations and then kept at 8 degrees C and 90% RH for 60 days. Sensory and physicochemical parameters were determined for samples (fresh, at the end of curing, after 20, 40 and 60 days). At the end of the trial, no fungal attacks were detected on fruits. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed differences between fresh and 60 day stored samples. Damage on fruits was proportional to the heat damage of curing. Sensory and physicochemical variables provided different information. The former discriminate samples along the first PC, where the descriptors juiciness, acid and aroma are associated with fresh. Colour differences delta E, Hunter's parameter a (red-green component) and acidity discriminate samples along the second PC.