
Precondition of 'D'Anjou' pears for early marketing by ethylene treatment.

Chen, P.M., S.R. Drake, D.M. Varga and L. Puig.

Journal of Food Quality. Volume 19, Number 5, Oct 1996. Pages 375-390.



Precondition of 'D'Anjou' pears for early marketing by ethylene treatment.

'D'Anjou' pears (Pyrus communis, L.) harvested at an optimum maturity with the flesh firmness (FF) of 66.7N required 8 weeks of chilling at -1C in order to initiate normal ripening in an ethylene-free environment at room temperature. If harvested fruit were not exposed to chilling or chilled at -1C for less than 8 weeks, they could be preconditioned with 100 ppm ethylene for 3 days at 20C to initiate normal ripening. Fruit preconditioned with ethylene were capable of softening normally, reducing extractable juice, decreasing titratable acidity and showing the climacteric rise of ethylene production during ripening at 20C when treated fruit had been further held at -1C in air for 14 days. The properly ripened fruit developed an acceptable dessert quality. When 'd'Anjou' fruits had been stored at -1C in air for 8 weeks or longer, they could also be preconditioned without ethylene for 3 days at 20C to enhance ripening capacity. The nonethylene preconditioned fruit were capable of ripening normally following 14 days in simulated transit at -1C and upon arrival in retail markets at room temperature.