
Storage of mill olives on an industrial scale.

Garcia, J.M., Gutierrez, F., Barrera, M.J. and Albi, M.A

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume 44, Number 2, Feb 1996. pp. 590 -593.



Storage of mill olives on an industrial scale.

Olives (Olea europaea cv. Blanqueta and Villalonga) used for oil production (130 000 kg for each variety) were stored at two different temperatures (ambient and 5 degrees C) on an industrial scale. Refrigeration of the olives at 5 degrees C delayed deterioration of the physical, chemical, and censorial parameters, measures of oil quality, allowing an additional 30 days of storage without changes in the initial oil quality. The Blanqueta variety does not maintain oil quality under cold storage as well as the Villalonga variety.