
Postharvest control of green mould on oranges by a strain of Pseudomonas glathei and enhancement of its biocontrol by heat treatment

Y. Huang, B. J. Deverall and S. C. Morris

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 5 Issue: 1-2. Pages 129-137.



Postharvest control of green mould on oranges by a strain of Pseudomonas glathei and enhancement of its biocontrol by heat treatment

A bacterial isolate related to Pseudomonas glathei did not produce antibiotics, but gave moderate biocontrol of green mould caused by Penicillium digitatum on postharvest oranges at ambient conditions (25°C). The biocontrol ability of this isolate was improved greatly when the inoculated fruits were incubated at 30°C for 24 h before being moved to 25°C. Heat treatment at 30°C stimulated multiplication of the protective bacteria, but retarded the spore germination of the pathogen. This allowed the bacteria to become established at would sites on fruit before germination of spores and infection by the pathogen occurred.