
Ethylene, storage and ripening temperatures affect Dwarf Brazilian banana finger drop

Robert E. Paull

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 65-74.



Ethylene, storage and ripening temperatures affect Dwarf Brazilian banana finger drop

The Dwarf Brazilian banana (Musa sp. cv. Santa Catarina Prata) frequently suffers severe finger drop from the hand during postharvest ripening. Finger drop occurred after the climacteric ethylene peak and was associated with a second ethylene production peak. Holding fruit at 15°C for up to two weeks reduced finger drop of fruit ripened at 25°C. Ripening fruit at 17.5°C, or one day at 25°C then at 17.5°C reduced finger drop from up to 100% to less than 10%. Ethylene treatment for one day at 25°C resulted in less finger drop than fruit that did not receive ethylene. More mature hands were more prone to finger drop than less mature hands. Temperature management during ripening and ethylene treatment of mature hands reduced the susceptibility to finger drop.