
Postharvest physiology and handling of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)

Deirdre M. Holcroft and Elizabeth J. Mitcham

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 265-281.



Postharvest physiology and handling of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)

The litchi is a stone fruit with a rough indehiscent pericarp surrounding the succulent, edible aril. During development and ripening the fruit exhibits a sigmoidal growth curve and a nonclimacteric respiratory pattern. Maturity is indicated by size and color, but a more accurate measure is the sugar:acid ratio. The major factors reducing the storage life and marketability of litchi are pathological decay and pericarp browning. Low temperature storage has been used to reduce pathological decay but has a limited role in reducing pericarp browning. Pericarp browning is induced by desiccation, and consequently methods to reduce desiccation help retain red color. Sulfur dioxide fumigation has been used to reduce pericarp browning, but there is increasing consumer and regulatory resistance to the use of this chemical. Insect disinfestation has become increasingly important with the expanding export market. Recent research has focussed on reducing these major postharvest problems to produce highly colored fruit free of disease and insects.