
Critical points in the marketing chain of arazá (Eugenia stipitata mcvaugh)

M.P. Carrillo, M.S. Hernández-Gómez, J. Barrera, O. Martínez and J.P. Fernández-Trujillo

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 906:25-29.2011.



Critical points in the marketing chain of arazá (Eugenia stipitata mcvaugh)

In the amazonian state of Caquetá (Colombia), more than 365 families have included arazá as part of the agroforestry production in conjuntion with rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). The potential production of this fruit in the area is aproximately 100 t, distributed in two or three harvests per year. During the last three years arazá has been introduced in the local markets through a promoting campain to increase awareness with consumers. With the purpose of envigorating the comercialization and consumption in Colombia, arazá fruits were harvest green and ripe, with a field selection, followed by a treatment of 1-MCP (1000 nl L-1) for 1 h at room temperature, 27±3°C. The fruit were then packed in plastic totes of 8 kg (treatment E1) or in corrugated board boxes (treatment E2). The fruit were brought to the laboratory and were stored at 12±1°C. The objective of this study was to identify the critical points of the commercialization of fresh arazá, according to the two used packages, and with the 1-MCP treatment. Physiological characteristics and quality variables were evaluated during the 10 days duration of the distribution and commercialization chain. The corrugated board boxes reduced the mechanical damages in the fruit. Fruits in both packages reached 75% change to green/yellow in 10 days. However, the fruit losses were reduced by 32% with the corrugated boxes in comparison with conventional use of the plastic totes. The 1-MCP treatment in combination with this alternative box kept nutritional components (organic acids) and other attributes associated with quality for a longer time which is the reason why this was recommended for local marketing.