
Effect of hot water pretreatment and cool-storage to maintain freshness of 'Aktiva' cut lily

Xue Wei Wu, Jeung Keun Suh, Ji Hee Kim and Li Hua Wang

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 900:273-281.2011.



Effect of hot water pretreatment and cool-storage to maintain freshness of 'Aktiva' cut lily

Dipping the cut end of flower stems in hot water has been shown to be effective in increasing postharvest life in various floral crops. The effects of hot water dipping treatment on ‘Aktiva’ oriental lily were studied. Dipping the cut stem end into 48°C water for 20 min followed by storage at 5°C for 7 days or at 85°C for 20 s plus storage at 5°C for 12 days increased the vase life by 5.9 or 5.8 days, respectively, as compared to the control. Hot water dip and low temperature storage treatments did not negatively affect the quality of cut flowers, but significantly extended longevity of cut ‘Aktiva’ oriental lily flowers (P<0.05).