
Improved control of postharvest decay in Chinese bayberries by a combination treatment of ethanol vapor with hot air

Kaituo Wang, Peng Jin, Shuangshuang Tang, Haitao Shang, Huaijing Rui, Huatao Di, Yan Cai and Yonghua Zheng

Food Control, Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 82-87



Improved control of postharvest decay in Chinese bayberries by a combination treatment of ethanol vapor with hot air

The effect of ethanol vapor treatment (EVT, 250 or 500 μL L1for 3 h) alone or in combination with hot air treatment (HAT, 48 °C for 3 h) on postharvest decay and microbial loads in Chinese bayberries was investigated. Treatment with ethanol vapor or hot air alone both resulted in significantly lower decay incidence caused by Verticicladiella abietina, Penicilliumcitrinum or Trichodermaviride compared with the control. The combined treatment of 500 μL L1ethanol vapor with hot air showed the lowest incidence of fruit decay caused by these pathogens. This treatment also significantly inhibited spore germination and germ tube elongation of the pathogens in vitro than EVT or HAT alone. Meanwhile, the combined treatment exhibited the lowest natural decay incidence and microbial loads on Chinese bayberries without impairing fruit quality. These results suggest the usefulness of the combined treatment for reducing fruit decay in Chinese bayberries.