

จินดารัตน์ เทพทวี นุชนาถ ขุนทอง สรพงค์ เบญจศรี และ สมัคร แก้วสุกแสง

วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 44 (3พิเศษ): 252-256. 2556.



Chilling Injury and Postharvest Quality of Okra Grown in Southern of Thailand

The chilling injury symptom of three okra (Abelmochus esculentus L. Moench) cultivars (Open pollination (OP), KN-OYV-01 and KN-OYV-02) grownin southern of Thailand was investigated. Okra pods were stored at 5 °C with 90% RH. It was found that OP and KN-OYV-01 were more sensitive to chilling injury than KN-OYV-02. The OP and KN-OYV-01 showed higher weight loss, chilling injury (pitting) index and chilling injury incidence than KN-OYV-02. Moreover, the effect of storage temperature on postharvest quality of okra in cultivar KN-OYV-02 was conducted at 13 and 25 °C. The results showed that low temperature (13°C) reduced weight loss and delayed the decrease of chlorophyll a and b contents with hue angle value more than storage at 25 °C. The storage life of okra stored at 13°C was 24 days, while at 25 °C was 21 days.