
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการแตก และการผลิตเอทิลีนในระหว่างการสุกของฝักวานิลลา

จิราภรณ์ มีศิลป์ ธิติมา วงษ์ชีรี และพนิดา บุญฤทธิ์ธงไชย

วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 44 (3พิเศษ): 105-108. 2556.



Relationship Between Pod Dehiscence and Ethylene Production During Vanilla Ripening

Vanilla pods are rapidly ripened and dehisced, when entering to maturity stage which leads to pod deterioration and loss of quality. In this study, the factors associated with the ripening and dehiscence of  vanilla pod were investigated. Moreover, the correlation between pod dehiscence and ethylene production during development and ripening stage in 3 stages of vanilla pod were also studied. The 3 stages of vanilla pod include. Young stage (light green color), mature green stage (dark green or slightly brown, but no yellow appeared) and ripen stage (yellowing of about 20-40% of the total surface area of ​​the pod).  Vanilla pods were harvested from the Khun Wang Royal Project, Chiang Mai province and stored at 25 °C for 12 days. The ethylene production of ripening pod rapidly increased at the day 2 at 13.60 µL/kg.hr, and showed the highest ethylene production at day 7 at 25.64 µL/kg.hr followed by young and mature green pods, respectively.  Furthermore,the respiration rate of ripening pod was628.15 mg CO2/kg.hr at day 7, which was higher than young and mature green vanilla pods. Dehiscence of ripening pods started rapidly atday 2 of, and again at day 7. These results corresponded to the increasing ethylene production, while pods dehiscence was not found in young and mature green vanilla pod. The close correlation between pod dehiscence and ethylene production of ripening vanilla pods was found in this research.