

นำพร ปัญโญใหญ่ธนศิษฏ์ วงศ์ศิริอำนวยเสมอขวัญ ตันติกุลและ แสนวสันต์ ยอดคำ

วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 43 (3พิเศษ):79-82. 2555.



The Use of Biomass Gas for Rough Rice Drying

The objective of this study was to compare rough rice drying using biomass gas from biomass gasifier using bamboo chip with using sun drying. One hundred and fifty kilograms of RD 6 paddy variety was rewetted to the moisture content of 28% wet basis (w.b.). The paddies was gradually dried from initial moisture content to approximately 14% w.b. Effect of three paddy thickness 5, 10 and 15cm on drying rates were examined at the controlled temperature in drying chamber of approximately 45C. It was found that air temperature and relative humidity in drying chamber were higher than those of conventional solar drying. The moisture vaporization was taken place faster with drying rates of 0.24, 0.16 and 0.09 kg/hr for rice thickness of 5, 10 and 15 cm, respectively. It was found that the speed of rough rice drying by the use of gasification technology from biomass materials was 2.3 times faster than that of the sun drying.