

เกรียงศักดิ์ นักผูก และ ชวนชื่น เดี่ยววิไล

วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 42 : 1 (พิเศษ) : 521-524 (2554)



Development and test Macadamia Nut Cracker


Physical fracture and physical characteristic of macadamia nut cracking under compressive force exerted between two solid plates were studied in this experiment. Results of this study were used in the design and construction of manually operated macadamia nut cracker. Examination of the macadamia nut found average moisture content of 3-5%wb, spherical ratio of 0.96, average thickness of nutshell 2-5 mm, proportion of meat pernut 32% Result of the compressive force applied of macadamia nut showed that the cracking started from the points where compressive force applied and the shell was broken along circumference of the nut. This cracking behavior was due to maximum tension stress exerted at the plane perpendicular to the applied force (2,230N). In this study the nutcracker used two slotted steel plates mounted or frame having linkage mechanism for applying compressive force on macadamia nut. 101.67 N force was applied on handle bar of the cracker for cracking the nut. Out put of the cracker was 3.1 kg per hour per man having 69 % perfect kernels, 31% fractured kernels.