
The postharvest behaviour of alphonse mango fruits in response to the natural preharvest treatments

Aida M. Allam and Hassan G. El-mehrat

Abstracts, 10th International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, 4-7 April 2009, Antalya, Turkey. 80 pages.



The postharvest behaviour of alphonse mango fruits in response to the natural preharvest treatments


Three natural preharvest treatments (yeast; as foliar or soil application--Cropmax--and Compost elneel) were used in comparison with mineral fertilizer (NPK) T1. The trees were subjected to the different treatments at the begining of March; April and May. Yeast T2 and cropmax T3 as biofertilizers and compost T4 as organic one. Low levels of yeast as foliar 0.2% and 0.4% and soil addition as 2%&4%. Cropmax sprayed at low levels 0.1 %&0.2%; compost at a rate of 25 kg./tree. The harvested fully mature fruits were either individually wrapped in ceranfilm and stored at 8°C or unwrapped. Preharvest treatment especially T2 gave a significant extension in storage life with high quality physical and chemical characters. also T3&T4 delayed fruit ripening; improved pigmentation(pulp&peel). The individual seal package of the fruits reduced physiological and pathological disorders and increased shelf life as well as marketability. The 4% yeast soil application either + 50% or 100% NPK was best followed by cropmax 0.2% + compost.